Ohio Association of Private Colleges for Teacher Education

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The Ohio Association of Private Colleges for Teacher Education
Organizational Framework and Operational Guidelines

  1. Name

    The name of the organization is The Ohio Association of Private Colleges for Teacher Education (OAPCTE).

  2. Membership

    Membership is open to all non-tax-supported colleges and universities with educator preparation programs approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education, and who pay the annual dues as established by the association. An institution may request to have multiple representatives receive information from the association.

  3. Meetings

    The membership shall meet a minimum of (9) times during the academic year, August through June. Meetings may take place electronically or face-to-face.

  4. Voting

    All matters of the association requiring a vote of the membership may be conducted electronically or face-to-face and are open to each institution that has paid the annual dues. For the purpose of voting on all matters, each eligible member institution shall be limited to (1) vote.

  5. Dues
  6. Annual dues shall be recommended to the membership by the Executive Committee and voted upon at the final meeting of the academic year, to be in effect for the following academic year.

  7. Officers

    1. The officers of OAPCTE shall include the President, President-elect, immediate Past-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers of OAPCTE shall serve as the Executive Committee of the association.

      1. The President shall serve a two-year term, and then serve as immediate Past-President for two years.

      2. The President-elect shall be elected by the voting membership in even-numbered years, and shall serve as President-elect for two years, assuming the role of President on July 1 of the appropriate year.

      3. The immediate Past-President shall serve for two years.

      4. The Secretary shall be elected for two-year terms in odd-numbered years. Nominations for Secretary shall be requested and collected by the President at the February OAPCTE meeting in odd-numbered years. The President shall distribute the names of nominees and background information to the membership by March 1. The Secretary shall be elected by the voting membership at the March meeting of OAPCTE.

      5. The Treasurer shall be elected for two-year terms in even numbered years. Nominations for Treasurer shall be requested and collected by the President at the February OAPCTE meeting in even-numbered years. The President shall distribute the names of nominees and background information to the membership by March 1. The Treasurer shall be elected by the voting membership at the March meeting of OAPCTE.

      6. Executive Committee

        The Executive Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President, and annually recommend the dues amount to the membership.

    2. Duties of the Officers

      1. President

        The President shall chair the general meetings of the association and meetings of the executive committee. The President shall serve as the contact person for the association, distribute correspondence to the membership, represent the OAPCTE with other organizations and other teacher education associations. The President shall provide leadership for the organization. The President will coordinate the appointment of members for ad hoc committees as necessary.

      2. President-elect

        The President-elect shall serve on the Executive Committee and shall assist the President as requested. The President-elect shall chair meetings if the President and immediate Past-President are absent.

      3. Immediate Past-President

        The immediate Past-President shall advise the President and assist the organization as requested. The immediate Past-President shall chair meetings if the President is absent.

      4. Secretary

        The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings and distribute minutes to all members of the association. The Secretary shall maintain all records for the association.

      5. Treasurer

        The Treasurer shall invoice member institutions, collect dues, monitor the funds of OAPCTE, maintain all financial records of the association, and pay the obligations of OAPCTE. The Treasurer shall provide a financial report to the membership at each meeting.

  8. Amending the Bylaws

    1. Suggested amendments to the Bylaws may be initiated by any voting member of the general membership.

    2. When brought to the general membership for a motion, discussion, and vote, the amendment must pass by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership attending the meeting.

Revised July 2020